Sunday, November 10, 2013

Holy Busy!

Well I have been walking up a storm in the last two weeks!  Last weekend didn't get a post because I was busy walkin' it up in Vegas!

Things have been really good, I've been trying to increase my distance at least once a day.  I have been walking a minimum of 3 miles every time I'm out and about!  Friday I walked 5.2 miles just for fun and I think I could have done more if I had the time. :)

(my legs are feeling pretty darn swollen at this point)

This week I will be starting the couch25k program with a friend! I am excited to start picking the pace up even more.  Let's hope my knees behave. : /  If you've never heard of it, I highly recommend looking into it!  The company also has a great phone app to help you train!

My Run for Your Life 5k was actually cancelled last minute.  That's why I ended up in Vegas last weekend.  The company went out of business.  But after all the plans for Vegas were in the making, some kind company picked up the event for free.  I was not able to attend. :(  But I've signed myself up for my first Virtual 5k.  These are super neat!

This 5k is in support of MS and I can do it anytime in December.  They send you a neat medal in the mail and you can post pictures after you run. :)

My dietbet is going well.  It ends on Wed and it's gonna be a close call.  I keep yo-yo'ing around 194 and I need to be under 193.7.  So I'm going to bust my butt for the last couple days to make sure I get my dolla dolla bills ya'll!

My motivation is going pretty well.  I am still having some issues on a day to day basis, but I find that if I have a bad day, I look forward to my walk even more than if I were having a good day :)  it's all about that mindset!  Here's to another busy/successful week!