Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Spring is he....oh wait no it's summer already!

As we say goodbye to another month in 2014, I'm wondering where the heck spring went!  For those of you NOT in Phoenix, I am mildly jealous, except for the snowstorm in Flagstaff last weekend. It's been hot, humid, and it's only getting worse!  *grumble*  Normally this would not be a bad thing, but that was when I was a chunky couch potato or computer chair potato if you will.  Now that I'm up and active, man this weather is not great for long periods of time. : /

April brought me a slue of emotions.  My abdominal stuff has stayed the same since my last check in, still no answers, but hopefully I'll have some more direction or ideas at my next doc appt.  I went through the "oh gosh a whole year at my job, man I hate my job, naaaaaaah it's still pretty awesome" routine.  And I was all over the place when it came to workouts and being active!

My April goals were:

I must be honest.  I struggled with each and every one on this list.  I did start taking care of me.  And if this has effected my friendship with anyone, I do apologize but I'm overwhelmed and trying to balance it as best as I can.  I did get some rest but probably not as much as I should have!  I was out of the 180's for a week and a half!  I'm back at 180 as of this morning, but that's ok!  I know why and I know that I will be able to knock it back down in no time!  As far as loving me, I love what I'm trying to accomplish, but with all my medical issues, I just can't seem to love myself.  I honestly can't blame me for what's going on since there's no indication of anything wrong!  I guess it's a process, one which I'm working on slowly but surely.

This month was busy in regards to being up and active on the weekends.  I unfortunately missed out on the March of Dimes because I wasn't feeling up to it, but I did get to participate in the #BostonStrong 2.62 mile walk and a 1 mile walk for Striking out child abuse. :)

And now to move on to May :)  I started the Couch25k training over again as of yesterday!  Boy can I tell you how excited I am?!  I blew through it like it was nothing and I am feeling really good about this time around.  I took a 6 month break due to some major hip issues I developed and in that time I picked up some serious walking habits!  It's making all the difference!

Here are my goals for the month and I think I'm aiming pretty high considering all I'm still going through, BUT I am determined to get through it all with flying colors!
  • I will be joining in on the new monthly calendar from the Shrinking Jeans.
  • I will stick to my C25K training at least 3 times a week
  • I will dance at least once a week
  • I will try to establish a new PR at my Foam Glow 5k
  • I will get back to restricting my eating out! *MAX 3 times a week* 
  • I will be recording my miles for the month for an AWESOME facebook event (this is to shoot for as many miles as you can/want) AND this AWESOME Facebook Event too (challenging you to walk at least a mile every day)!!  and for a fun Lord of the Rings project that my buddy Becka is doing! (pictures to come of how I'm doing that one!!)
Here's the calendar if you didn't click on the link!  This month is all about the Muffin Top!

I hope everyone had a great month and wish everyone the best for the month of May!  Let's kick it into high gear!  It's almost bathing suit time!  oh wait who am i kidding it already is here in phoenix...


  1. You are doing awesome, even with all the hurdles that have been in your way. I'm glad I had the time to read this tonight, hoping it gets me going again. Your turning your having to walk more into running now gives me hope. So proud of you and what you are accomplishing. Best of luck with will rock it, I am sure. :)

    1. Aww thanks Lisa! I'm glad you read it too! I really enjoyed picking up walking. I'm so excited to step it up! I hope that you find the motivation and strength like I have! You're gonna have an awesome month if you just put your mind to it!

  2. I wish I lived somewhere warm! We turned the furnace back on this weekend and it snowed on my walk to work yesterday. Great goals, I know you are going to have a great month!

  3. I think your goals are great ones! And I know you can achieve them!! Thanks for the shout out too!! We can do this!!!
