Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wed Weigh in #3

I know, I know, I didn't get around to #2 but listen!  I was having medical malfunctions of the body and quite frankly I just didn't have the heart to write something uplifting in the moods I've had lately.  But there are a lot of things going down with me and it's time to catch up.

Week 2 of our #SpringIntoAction challenge was to workout for 40 mins 4 days of the week.  I am proud to say that I blew that right out of the water!  *just in time I might add*  as my medical issues started getting worse the day after "Day 4 of 40."  Here's my photos of that week's adventure!

I had a blast doing it and I'm proud to say that it wasn't difficult at all for me to achieve!  Motivation WHAT?!  I'm super proud of myself.  I'm also proud of my teammate who kicked the challenge's butt too!

Week #3's challenge was to step out of your comfort zone.  This one was a no brainer for me.  I was pumped and ready for a Zumba class like a lot of you ladies out there!  I saw a lot of posts about it!  I instead ended up "stepping out" of my comfort in a way I was not happy about.  I give credit to my #chunkymonkey partner for suggesting that this falls directly in the challenge, but I feel like it was an easy way out.  I had to rest.  I had to hang up the headphones and the Polar for several days due to my medical stuff.  I had to fast for a procedure and that meant for sure no working out.  So while I was nice and comfy on my couch, feeling lazy and enjoying not working out, I was extremely unhappy with the situation because I want to work out.  I want to put forth the effort.  Rest.  There's that stupid but necessary word again.  I had to rest in order for my abdominal issues to get looked at properly.  So I'll chalk it up to a win for the challenge but I am still whining and complaining!

As for this new week!  Week #4 is to not weigh myself for a week.  This unfortunately is not an issue whatsoever for me.  I am instead choosing to take a picture of myself each day and I will add something nice about myself to help me with my self-image.  I am not quite sure where my feelings are coming from about not being successful or doing all the right stuff to lose the weight in all the right places.  I have come so far and I just discredit myself.  Well now's the time to break that habit while I'm still ahead!

I picked the #sisterhoodshots back up this month.  I figure with all that free time I suddenly have from not working out, I might as well get back in it!  I really enjoy them and love others that participate too!  Above is my Day 1: No foolin' selfie I took to let everyone know my insecurity about my image.

Have you started up April's photos?!  If not, why not give it a try!

Now on to it being Wed Weigh in!  As of first thing this morning, I am down 22.2 lbs since Jan 1st.  I am proud of the changes I have made, the steps I have taken to get here.  I am struggling but the longer I'm in the Shrinking Jeans group, the more I feel loved and supported no matter what my days or weeks look like.  I am blessed to have the friends and family I do. :)

I wish everyone luck this week in their endeavors, their goals, their struggles, and all the bumps ahead.  We can all do this!  Let's kick this week's butt!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for taking daily pictures and telling yourself something nice! I'm off to read the next post. I hope you are feeling better.
