Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Where does the time go?

Goodness I looked at my computer and realized that tomorrow is May!  I knew it was approaching, but these last couple of weeks have just flown by due to school.  I'm right in the middle of finals and I saw a post on FB by the Shrinking Jeans girls that gives us our May workout and I couldn't help but smile and be sad all at the same time.

I've fallen behind.  I've eaten out a lot due to stress and no time to cook.  I'm not working out every day because I'm trying to cram in study time, writing papers last minute, and trying to pass everything!  So far so good on the school front, but I'm feelin' pretty guilty about falling off the wagon.  BUT! the little smile I got from looking at the May challenge got me excited for finals to be over so I can start caring again!

(I know excuses excuses) But I have to say, I'd rather give up 2 weeks of exercise to make sure I pass my classes since I'm trying to graduate soon :)

So, Here's May's challenge and boy are they not kidding.... It's gonna be a doozie!  My legs will not be my friend but my body will love me for it!

I'm hoping to be back around by friday or saturday this week! :)  Then back to my rigorous working out!!

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