Sunday, January 5, 2014

Time to Get Crackin'

Well it's day 5 and it's nearing that time where people get frustrated and start dabbling in the thought of giving up.  This is where we need to dig deep!!  There's no need to spend more time thinking about working out than actually working out!  Even if it's 5 mins a day, at least you're up, you're active!  Get moving!  Try something new, make mini challenges like the Boot Camp calendar, or just add something to it like crunches!  There are a million things we can do to be active.  It's about finding the right workout for you.  What will keep you going.

I'm looking forward to the first full week of the new year.  I will be starting the 6 week boot camp tomorrow with 2 friends.  I have been going strong on my calendar workouts.  And I have been logging my calories every day!  That's a lot more than I've put forth in a long time even when I do workout on a semi-regular basis. :)  To keep myself accountable, I made a checklist of daily things that need to happen.  I will save these so I can look back and see where my strengths are versus my weaknesses!  I will also write a little something on the back of each week talking about the ups and downs.

Thinking of adding this little gem to my squats for the calendar challenge too!  Just to make things a little harder!

I went against my "don't peek at the scale" rules and weighed myself this morning.  I know I know, it's not always about the number, but man it was good to see the change!  I'm down 5 pounds in 5 days!  I've been busting my butt with workouts, eating at home instead of eating out, and making sure my snacks are healthy and not useless junk food!

There's no quick or easy way to get through this journey.  Sticking with it is the number one best thing anyone can do for themselves.  Through thick and thin we can all do this!

I'm going to be looking for some yoga classes here pretty soon.  I really like my dvd's but I much rather have an instructor in person!  That will be what I do on the off days from the boot camp.  I'm really looking forward to working on that challenge to awaken some muscles that I didn't know existed. :)

Stay strong and remember you're doing this for you! 


  1. I absolutely love that checklist chart dealie you have going on there! I may need to borrow it!

  2. I love the checklist chart too! I adore the pretty colors. LOL However knowing me it would be filled out one day then abandoned. LOL

  3. Karen, feel free to steal away! I love mine and keep track every day! It goes with me everywhere!

    Mrs Swa, Thanks a ton! I'm more of a visual person. I like colors better than black and white. Makes things a lot more fun!

    Jennifer B, Thanks!!
