Saturday, January 18, 2014

Walking for Meg

Rolling out of bed this morning was a real challenge after going to bed pretty late.  I slowly drug myself to the coffee waiting for me and I checked my Facebook.  As I'm catching up on all my notifications, I start putting together all the stuff I'll need for my walk today.  I chose to join in the event that was made for Meg Menzies.  I had originally said that I would for sure walk 3 miles for her but might stretch it to 4.

One coffee, and a Jimmy Dean Breakfast sandwich later, I've laced up my shoes, printed my race bib, filled my water, plugged in my headphones, and grabbed my sunglasses.  I'm ready to go.

I must now tell you that today's walk was a very moving and personal experience for me.

I have blisters on top of blisters on the backs of my ankles that I've been trying to work around for almost a week.  I did my best to deal with them as I started off.  Well my moleskin doesn't really do wonders and since they're still open wounds, I can't just cover them up.  I also put a touch of neosporin on them so they weren't dry and cracking during the walk.

One foot in front of the other.  I headed down the trail toward the track that's about a mile and a half from our apartment.  I have to say *on a side note* that today's #sisterhoodshots was PERFECT for this event.  Today's picture is of a smile.  I have to share that when I first heard about running for Meg, I saw the hashtag and misread it.  I thought that it said "Meg Smiles" not "Megs Miles" so I think that both apply today!

Once at the track, I take pleasure in watching all the other active people around as I make my rounds, still unsure of how far I wanted to go.  There were a bunch of soccer teams out practicing across the wash, there were some guys doing calisthenics and sprints, and a trainer and trainee among other people.  I was passed by several older people that were jogging and rocking it!  The thing I love about the track is, I have a knack for not counting my laps.  I just go.  With music or talking to whoever I might be with, I lose myself in that circle.  After about 5 or 6 laps (me thinks?) I made a solid decision on a distance.  I set my goal to go higher in miles than I've ever purposely walked in a day for exercise.  I decided I would give Meg a 10k.  That's right! 6.2 miles!  I have never gone over 5ish in one day and most of those are split between 2 separate walks.

 about 2 miles in

Still going strong but leaving the track at about 4.5 miles in

Here's where things got personal and made my whole walk meaningful.  I knew that I could do the 10k if I put my mind to it.  I knew my body would scream and protest.  I did not come out prepared for that many miles.  I was low on water, no protein to boost me in between the almost 2 hours I was out.  Every ache, every pain, every sore, every stretch or time I wanted to pause for breath, I didn't.  I put one foot in front of the other and pushed everything else from my head.  I am so grateful to be here, to have legs that allow me to workout and be healthy.  I pushed myself and forgot about myself all in one moment for Meg and for the loss of her friends and family.

5.5 miles in

One of the very last songs that came on about 5.75 miles in was my favorite Jordin Sparks song.  One Step at a Time.  Those words have never had so much meaning than they did at the end of a very emotional walk.

I finished just over 6.2 miles and I'm now feeling and focusing on each and every pain.  How grateful I am to have those!  The biggest cliche but oh so true is "my body is letting me know it's still alive."  I will cherish this day for a very very long time.  My heart goes out to her friends and family for this tragedy.  I am so proud that I finished this!

 End of the Line!  Time to STRETCH.... But I'm still SMILING!

Farthest I've ever gone and a much better pace than I could have hoped for


  1. I love reading your blogs! You are truly an inspiration and every time I feel like throwing in the towel you have been there to encourage me and I am very grateful for it!

  2. awwww! Thank you! <3 I love to help push people and I'm so glad you're my chunky monkey :)

  3. I absolutely LOVED this!! Congrats on your longest walk *EVER* and thank you for joining in Meg's Miles!

  4. Thanks a ton Jenn! She will stay with me always when I walk/run and I can't wait for my wristband and shirt to get here!

  5. Great job!!! What a successful day. So thankful to have joined this group and coming across your blog. Looking forward to keeping up with you and being inspired by you. :)
