Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wed Weigh in #3

What a week it has been and it's only Wednesday!  I'm exhausted so I'll keep it short and as simple as possible!

Here's my daily goals sheet from last week!

I am pretty happy with my overall performance!  I could have written more posts, but I got 2 in and that's more than the 1 I'm shooting for!  I also slacked on my water on Saturday... BUUUUUUT I still got in at least 64oz!

My last post was about walking for Meg Menzies and since then, they've come up with a virtual 5k as well as the I *stickman figure* 4 meg shirts!  **click on the Megs Miles link**  If anyone's interested please check out the links!!!  

Last week's mini challenge was to keep a food menu and stick to it.  Here's the results!  Some recipes can be found on my recipe blog (link on the right hand side!) and if there isn't one, feel free to ask and I'll type it up for you!

On to tooting my own horn!  Because I honestly don't participate in that one often!

  • Toot #1 - I honestly don't miss fast food.
  • Toot #2 - I've hit a 5% weight loss!!!  (maybe I SHOULD have signed up for that dietbet!)

 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAND the moment you're all waiting for (and some/most have already seen) *drumroll*

My weigh in!  I'm now down 9.8lbs!  Somehow my crazy MyFitnessPal acct has the wrong starting weight and it thinks I've lost 10.5 but that's ok!  I know in my heart that I've lost 10 pounds and that's HALF of my lose 10% goal!!!

I could have never made it this far without the love and support of family and friends!  I'm so blessed to have people in my life that are willing to recognize I'm trying to make a change and they understand.

Last but not least, I want to share my "fridge" picture from the #sisterhoodshots challenge!

I've been asked to think about sharing my prep ideas as well as possible menu planning ideas so you might see stuff like this in the future in Scary's Kitchen!!! :)

As always, thanks for the support and thanks for visiting!  Finish out the week strong and take some time for yourself this weekend!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Great week, nice results. Love your chart, what a cool idea. Your meals looked so yummy! Congrats on your successes. :)

  3. Way to go! What an amazing week you've had.
