Sunday, January 27, 2013

Holy Busy!!!

It has been an eventful week!  And apparently I forgot to blog about it all!  Here goes!

For starters, I got to name the new set of hair bands from Active Accesories!!! I feel totally special!  (silly I know, but I thought my name was epic!
And I am getting a free set because they picked my name :)

I also took advantage of their Sunday deal of the buy one get one free for the accessory pouches!

I've been watching old seasons of the Biggest Loser for extra motivation while I build up a better habit of working out.  Yesterday I spent a whole hour on my elliptical!!!  I was drenched in sweat and totally proud of my determination!

Today was a looooooooooooong day.  Our internet has been wonky and mostly not working all day so I decided to spend the day in the kitchen :)  My favorite place only second to my bed!

(last night I used all the veggies in my fridge that were about to go!)  Made an AWESOME Kung Pao Chicken :)
 I squeezed 6 dozen lemons from my in-law's lemon tree!  We're freezing them into lemon ice cubes to add to drinks.
 I then cut up 3lbs of London Broil (found it on sale WOOOOOOOOOOOOO) for beef jerky!!!
I then started some dark chocolate truffles covered in white chocolate!  With a few almond covered ones after I ran out of white chocolate.
While those were setting, I whipped up a batch of dough for pitas!  (my favorite choice for lunch ever!!!!!!!!!!!!) I'm gonna grill up some chicken and veggies for dinner to put in them tomorrow!!!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND then I made fresh pasta for some lasagna rolls for dinner :)  Leftover dough will be dried into fettuccini noodles.
Can't wait to get off my feet and enjoy the rest of my night now that our internet is back up and running :)

Hope everyone has a great week and good luck!!!!!!!

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